Bike Tour Aftermath

Getting Re-aligned

Like it or not, all tours come to an end. Had I been on my original timetable, my 2024 tour would have ended on Saturday so quitting when I did meant a couple more weeks at home than usual. After a tour there are two things that demand immediate attention. The first is rest. Typically, I need a few days of rest or light activity to recover. The second is reconfiguring my bikes and gear. When I go on a tour, my usual distribution of bike stuff (tubes, tire levers, small tools, saddlebags, etc.) gets changed into my four-pannier touring set up. It takes me a few days to get everything back to normal. I also need to update my hard copy riding diary (which I have kept for over 40 years going back to my running days). Just yesterday I finished posting my tour blog posts into a journal on It’s basically the same content as here on with some light editing.

Getting Flat

I was so sick of hills and mountains that I needed to re-level my riding. In addition to rides around home which are generally pretty flat, I drove The Mule over to Talbot County, Maryland on the eastern shore and did a 52-mile ride. We are having a heat wave so I was pretty gassed by the end. Still, the ride restored my mental state from “Do I still have it?” mode to “I may be slow but I’m old.”

Mercifully flat roads on the Eastern Shore
The Ride Included a short ferry ride across the Tred Avon River
I used up all the water on my bike in the heat. So I bought this gallon jug of ice cold water. I drank half and poured the rest over my head.

I also broke out Big Nellie, my Tour Easy recumbent. It’s a refreshing change of pace from upright bikes. Yesterday I rode it 53 miles up to Bethesda, Maryland and back via Rock Creek Park. When I was done I couldn’t stand up straight. Maybe I ought to ease into things a bit.

Go Nats

When I am on tour I miss out on a big chunk of the baseball season. Nationals Park is a flat, 15-mile ride from home, just the thing to aid recovery. I rode to a game last weekend and will probably go today. The Nats are surprisingly better than crappy this year. Go team! They are missing a couple of thunder bats but otherwise are pretty good and, after a couple of truly dreadful years, competitive.

Baseball and nutrition go hand in glove

What’s Next

I don’t think I have another tour in me this summer. Riding my bike is something I enjoy, but the grind of touring, especially before and after the days’ rides, wears me out mentally. I may need to start touring with other people again or do cycling events like Cycle Saskatchewan (I made that up).

I also will need to attend to my bikes. I typically wait until I wear out a chain then I go to a bike shop and surrender my Visa card.

This fall I plan on the usual double header of the 50 States Ride in September and the Cider Ride in November. I have a family event in October, otherwise I’d get the Natchez Trace off my to-do list. It’ll have to wait until 2025 I’m afraid.

3 thoughts on “Bike Tour Aftermath

    1. I’m not sure but I may have had my saddle too low during the tour. BTW Online journals are describing some very nasty dog attacks west of Hazard. I’m glad I stopped

  1. Sounds like you’ve settled back in. Biking, and any physical activity is more about enjoying the process than anything. So bike where you enjoy biking! I still enjoyed following along, this was an adventure unlike the others.

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