6 thoughts on “Five Years

    1. Thanks, Brit. My social media feeds blew up with remembrances today. It’s truly remarkable how many people loved him. I went to the sentencing hearing for the driver. They had to open a second courtroom to hold the crowd.

  1. I remember when this happened and how hard it hit you. It certainly was and is a tragedy. But for me, one question I have is has cycling become safer around DC? Did any good come out of this tragedy? I certainly hope so.

    1. There are many new protected bike lanes, including a half assed one where Dave was killed. I’m sure the uproar over his death helped.

      Still people on foot, bikes, and scooters continue to get hit with alarming regularity.

      Cities can solve this but the politicians have to have a stiff backbone. They did it in Hoboken. No deaths after they made changes to deemphasize car throughput

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